The Blessing List

Well, another week of life has come to an end, and it’s weekend. I love weekends, especially Saturdays. Weekends just make me think of fun and relaxation, even though some weekends are hard working weekends.  Like last weekend when we tried to pick up all the leaves in our driveway, and our front and back yard, but only successfully completed the entire front yard, the driveway and one quarter of our backyard. These statements alone make me think of a bunch of things to be thankful for.

1.) I’m thankful for weekends- I have always made my best memories and had my happiest moments on weekends, especially Saturdays.

2.) I’m thankful for TGI Saturdays (my Saturday blog hop). I couldn’t think of a better day to host my very own blog hop that suits my personality  than Saturdays. TGI Saturdays wasn’t planned, I had a post idea and I thought a blog hop would go nicely with this post, then the name hit me like a bulb and TGI Saturdays blog hop was born.

TGI Saturdays

3.) I’m thankful for the bloggers who have linked up with TGI Saturdays in the past, who are linking up with it now and who will link-up in the future. I love the community this blog hop offers.

4.) I’m thankful for falling leaves, they are just so incredibly beautiful to me and they speak of the majesty of God’s creativity in creating beauty in simple things.


5.) I’m thankful for Autumn, again, it is just the most beautiful season to me. Autumn colors make me want to take pictures, write poetry, paint or just get creative in some way. It inspires me.

6.) I’m thankful for the trees around my home-in my front yard, backyard, and neighbor’s yard. They have so much character. I want to paint some of them, but I still haven’t gotten the chance to yet. I have however, taken their pictures. My favorite is the bent (looks like an elbow) tree in the middle of our backyard.


7.) I’m thankful for a yard, driveway, and backyard big enough that it will take alot of time to pick up all those fallen leaves. The hard work is a beautiful price to pay for such a gift.



So despite Fall being a favorite season of mine and I admire its beauty. This season itself has been a challenge for my family so far. My two year old son has had a cold he has not been able to get rid for a few weeks now. He is congested with mucus and doesn’t know how to blow it or spit it out, and I don’t know how to help him get rid of that pesky mucus. It has been fustrating and horribly humbling to feel so powerless in being able to make things better for him. This congestion bothers him mostly at night. I really need God to guide me with this challenge. In fact, all of my family has had a cold for the last few weeks. I’m still learning how to care for my family in chilly weather. I’m from the Caribbean and it’s alot of getting use to.


8.) I’m thankful that despite pesky annoying colds- we do not have serious life threatening illness and that we have life.

9.) I’m thankful for November- a month of naked trees, the month before Christmas, the month of thanksgiving, the month I celebrate my first born son’s birthday and honor second born son’s birth (Nov 14th), he passed away November 19th 2011.



10.) I’m thankful to have known Kaiden (my son in Heaven) for the short time I did , he blessed my life immensely.


This week we have been dealing with financial challenges, and to be honest I’m worried, even though I know Matthew 6:34, and I’ve seen God bring us through all kinds of financial weathers. However, I’m believing in God’s power to provide a financial miracle.

11.) I’m thankful for God’s financial miracles (when what we needed financially has come just in time)-past, future, and present.