So what do I blog about today. Seriously, I just have so much to say, I don’t know where to start. My brain is always going, it is quite exhausting actually. Trying to figure it all out. Trying to figure out, what to do, what to do, how to be, how to be, who to be, who to be. I’m working on it.

Anyway, it’s a new year and I am just trying to grow into the woman I have always wanted to be but that has proven to be easier said than done. In preparation for a youth meeting last Saturday (i’m a youth worker- Youth Activities Coordinator), I was looking up “Goal-Maps” on the net and found this really cool website with software to create my on goal map, check it out . I created my own life’s goal map and I had as my main goal- “to be a well-rounded, Godly, confident, happy woman” and my sub-goals were: 1. to be a successful writer, home-maker, wife and youth-worker; 2. to own a beautiful, spacious home with a big backyard, garden and pond; 3. to have a happy family; 4. to travel and experience all the world with my family.

This goal mapping process asked you what (are you goals), when (your timeline), who (who will help you get there), why (why these goals) and how (how will you get there). My timeline was up to 08/28/2012, i’ll be 30 years old; and how will I obtain these goals: 1. Educate myself, 2. Face my fears, 3. get healthy-exercise, eat healthier foods, sleep well and 4. study the word of God, pray often, meditate. Those are my long-term goals for the next 2 years.

My short-term 2010 goals in no particular order are 1. Lose the baby weight (duh), 2. overcome anxiety, 3. finish some or all of my books and sell them (I have about 3 in the works and 2 book ideas), 4. balance being a mom, wife, youth leader, home-maker, blogger, artist and writer, 5. help build up my church and it’s youth ministry, 6. be a good person, 7. be a healthy person, 8. build a successful blog and so much more.

Follow my journey and let’s see how I do by the end of this year. Let’s see what life sends my way in 2010.

More to talk about soon.