Well, for one thing. My sister’s here, like I mentioned before she is visiting from the Caribbean. I was a little nervous about her traveling to the U.S for the first time by herself (she is fifteen going on sixteen); but she was just fine; thanks in part to all the prayers we put out there for her safe travel. I have to be honest; I am so glad she is here; I could really use the help right now. Thank you, God for the littlest blessings.

            Saturday, I was a little disappointed that no one showed up to the youth meeting I worked so hard to prepare. I think lack of communication among other things are to blame. However, this disappointment has inspired me to try to do better in certain areas I lack, like communicating with others on the phone and to talk about the importance of “responsibility” in our next session. I’ll pray about it and see where God leads me with that message.

            Sunday, a woman was outside our Church crying for help just as the service ended; she said that they were people in her house drinking and using cocaine and they threatened to beat her up if she didn’t give them money to buy some more drugs. Her eyes were flooded with tears; she asked if anyone could come to her home and talk to them. Of course, that wouldn’t have been the smartest thing for any of us to do; trying to reason with drunks and drug-addicts, going into a situation unaware and unprepared; so we left it in the hands of God and prayed for her. In a situation like this, she needed to call the police not civilians even those with the covering of God. That’s a tough thing to ask a person to do. Never the less; I felt so sad that there was nothing else we could do and I hoped with all my heart that she would be alright. I hope it all was just an idle threat and nothing came out of those evil words.

            Sunday’s sermon was great; Dr. Josie Owens, District Superintendent for our district, the first African-American female to hold this leadership post in our denomination (Church of the Nazarene). She spoke one of those message that you know God intended for you to hear, she talked about the story of Moses and how it relates to our lives today among other things, she talked about negative thinking and attitudes and how it hinders us from receiving God’s best, lack of faith, lack of patience, etc, etc. There was a quote she used that I just had to write down; “Fear becomes the dark room where negatives develop.” I know that’s right; if there is a topic I am very familiar with it is fear. Anyway, I really enjoyed her sermon.

            Monday morning, I wrote down my prayer request list and boy was that list lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng. It took me a while to write; I prayed for my children’s health, I thank God for bringing my sister to me safely, safe travel for my mom and little sister Tatyanna (July 25th), I prayed for inspiration and guidance in all my projects and endeavors (Youth group, Youth Sunday, Vacation Bible School, etc.), financial blessings and stability, a healthy pregnancy, I prayed over my baby Shower (August 22nd) and lots more.

            Guess what my sister brought up for me; she brought me 10 copies of my first attempt at print-media, my first issue of an youth magazine, souvenirs (teddy bear, key ring, 2 refrigerator magnets) from North Carolina (the airport she passed through to get here) and some performance DVDs to watch with my brother (22 yrs old) performing in the Church band back home.

            Lastly for now; I had a visit from my home nurse yesterday, from which I learnt a few things. Like what I may have thought was movement from my baby may actually be Braxton Hicks Contractions, her description of it seemed familiar and I understood what she was saying; the internet’s description seems a bit different, even more painful than I am experiencing, so I am not sure I understand it anymore. Nevertheless, I prefer to think I am feeling my baby move and that is that. That’s what I say it is, it’s my son moving inside. me 


The End.


Talk to you more another time.