I am a 27 year old mother of an infant and a toddler. I’m also a wife. I love my family with all my soul and I am very blessed. Thank you, God for all my blessings.

 Stolen moments (times to myself) are so rare and hard to come by; they are like digging for gold in a Gold Mine. Gold mining might even be easier, who knows.

 In my stolen moments I want to do so much; I want to spend time with the Lord; meditate, exercise; write in my journal; write letters to my pen pals; catch up with relatives and friends; write a “To Do List”; watch my favorite t.v show uninterrupted; lay in bed and just take in the peace and quiet; read; write; paint; listen to music; blog; work on my book; work on becoming a better writer and a better me; the list goes on.

 Stolen moments are a rare commodity.  I remember the days when my life was all my own. Now I belong to three other people. I love ‘em but I am still trying to deal with that. Got to go try to exercise now.