Hi friends,

It’s that time of year again (here in the U.S) where we take time to think a little more about all the things we are thankful for. Though, I’m sure we are thankful everyday, sometimes we tend to take what we have for granted and forget to remember our thankfulness. I for one, am always thankful, but like you, I forget to remember that sometimes, maybe even more than I should. I let my fears, doubts, worries and insecurities push my thankfulness aside, so I can dwell on them instead, and forget what God has already given me and how far I have already come.

The Blessing List

My blessing list is truly too big to put in one or even ten thousand posts. It is always growing and evolving. However, for the next three weeks as we count down to Thanksgiving Day I’d like to share 33 Things I’m Thankful for, 11 things per week. Why thirty-three? Because that is how many years of life God has already blessed me with.

It goes without saying that I am thankful for life, food, family, friends, shelter, clothing, etc, but I’d like to go a little deeper with my list if you don’t mind. Give you something with a little more meat to read too. Without further ado.

1.) I’m thankful for 33 years of life and that I lived to see my 33rd birthday.

33 Things Collage

2.) I’m thankful for my 5 children- four here and one in heaven.

3.) I’m thankful that all four of my living children, have seen another birthday this year- 1 year old (Oct), 2 years old (June), 6 years old (November) and 9 years old (August).

4.) I’m thankful for my husband who is my best friend in the whole world.

5.) I’m thankful for my yellow Sunflower House (that’s what I call it)- It is lovely.

Sunflower House

6.) I’m thankful for our awesome backyard for the kids to play in (been hoping, praying and yearning for that for many, many years).

7.) I’m thankful for the flowers and veggies we were able to grow for the first time in our first garden.

Garden Collage

8.) I’m thankful that my younger but taller than me brother recently got married to an absolutely lovely young woman, who we get along with so well.

9.) I’m thankful that he lives an hour and half away now, rather than the countries apart we use to be.

10.) I’m thankful for the brand new washer and dryer that came with our new home.

11.) I’m thankful for the wonderful fun memories our family created Halloween weekend and that we experienced the awesomeness of pumpkin carving for the first time this previous month of October– I loved it.

first pumpkin

More thankfulness next week, thanks for reading.

I would love it if you would take a peek at my photo journal of thankfulness this month- Sunday Show ‘n’ Tell – September – October Blessings and my Art, Poetry & Inspiration- Blessings post that comes with a free printable booklet called “A Book of Blessings.”

Here is a gift for you, so you can write down your own blessing list.

The Blessing List Printable Smll