I was having a conversation via Skype with my mom a few nights ago. She seemed so sad and discouraged; and rightly so, I guess. She is going through a lot in her life right now and unfortunately her faith that it’ll all turn out okay is not as strong as it should be.

Keeping the faith in these difficult times in our lives is not as easy to do as it is to say. Yes, we believe in God and that his son died to save us. However, as human beings it is in our nature to desire the warmth of human touch, the love of friendship and the security that you are loved and appreciated wholly by your peers, and that they care about your well-being.

Sometimes we want to hear a human voice of encouragement. Not simply that inner voice in which we are still trying to discern God from our own thoughts. As young Christians, many of us are still learning the difference.

 My mom is not a young Christian, but she is a discouraged one. I find that disturbing because she goes to a big and well organized Church. I visited that Church’s website during the conversation with my mom, and it looks great, they seem to have it all together. This church has numbers; members; workers; followers; groups; well developed ministries, etc. So why does my mother believe she has to go through what she is going through alone?

 So I sent them a short e-mail, which went like this:


 My name is Latisha. I am daughter of one of the members of your Church. She is going through a lot in her life right now of which I am concerned. I love her so much. She feels as no one is there for her, which I find very hard to believe due to the fact that she is a member of such a big church family. Please remember her in the midst of your church responsibilities. Family is supposed to be there for each other, especially in our times of need. Yes, she needs your prayers but she also needs friendship and love. I am overseas and I can’t be there for her the way you can.”

Short but to the point don’t you think? I just wonder for some, what they think this is about. I go to a very small church, with very little members and following. We are still trying to grow many of our ministries, but I feel loved, I feel cared about. If we (my family) don’t make it to church on any given Sunday, they notice our absence and they call to find out why we weren’t there. My church is a giving and loving church. They give what they can, service; love; friendship; a listening ear; time; transportation; money; physical gifts, etc. In turn from them I learn to give in the same way.

Why do we go to church, is it only to praise and worship God and pay tithes? What is its purpose? Here is what God’s word says.


Romans 12:5 (NIV)

5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Hebrews 10:25(NIV)
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV)

1 Corinthians 12:12 (NIV)
The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.

It sometimes seems to me, that Christianity is like a little all girls/boys club, where the other sex isn’t allowed to join; the secular world being the other sex outside looking in.

We seem to be holding hands so tight there is no room for anyone who is not already a part of our group to connect with us. We are the ones who keep some from ever wanting to know God, we are the ones who judge, and we can be unforgiving and intolerant snobs.  

That is not the way God wants us to be, we need to be a reflection of Jesus. Jesus loves everyone, he forgives; he is merciful; warm; welcoming and kind. We need to open our arms and invite others to feel God’s love through us, those on the outside and on the inside. I know it is possible to be a part of a big family and still feel alone.

Open your eyes, Christian family and remember what we doing here? What is our purpose as the Body of Christ? Open your eyes, take the time to care for; love; forgive and encourage others or go back to your earthly home, and praise and worship God by yourself, food for thought.