It is raining again this morning; I love rainy days especially when I spend them in my cool, comfortable and safe bed. Don’t you think a bed always feels more embracing on rainy days? It is like God himself has come down from heaven to hug me and comfort me. I wish I could carry that safe feeling with me through out the day.

However, at 8:00 o’clock this morning, I had to roll myself out of bed because my four-month old son had arisen. It was time for the day to begin whether I wanted it to or not.

Recently, I am starting to love lying in my bed more than many other activities. My bed just seems like a safe haven for me.
Nevertheless, that is not exactly where I want to want to be most in the world. I want to get up off my butt and get my days off to a better start.

I set myself a goal at the beginning of 2010 that I’d strive to be a better woman, mother and wife; a confident and well-rounded woman who would live her life to the fullest with pep in her step, and happiness and contentment in heart. I have a long ways to go, but I’m doing alright.

The kind of woman I desire to be is somewhat like the woman describe in Proverbs 31. I don’t desire to be perfect; I just want to be a woman who embodies excellence.

I want to eat and serve my family healthy meals; I want to exercise regularly; lose the baby weight, get the adequate amount of rest my body needs; balance housework, taking care of my children’s and husband’s spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs, and my own projects as well. How does the woman in Proverbs 31 do it? How does today’s modern woman do it? Does she do it all? I’d really like to know? Has God really equipped us with the capability to do it all?

Even though I highly enjoyed laying peacefully in my bed and dreaming sweet dreams; my thoughts were telling me to get up out of my bed, start my day right, spend time with the Lord, exercise, eat breakfast before my children wake-up. So when they arise I’d have gotten those out the way and would have plenty of time to do other things.

Now it is 10:04 in the morning, my daughter is still asleep, my son has gone back to sleep and I haven’t eaten breakfast, spent time with the Lord or exercised yet but I’m blogging. I need to organize my days better.
I know that some discipline would go a long way here and regular exercise would change my circumstance immensely. I will try doing better tomorrow. There is always tomorrow.
Guest what? It is snowing now. I love snow. Anyhoo, how you doing?